Backup Disk:
Select the disk intended for regular backups. This disk should not be the same as the system disk. It has to be a dedicated device.
Disk Partition:
Select which partition to be used for backup. If no partitions appear here, then try to format the disk using the 'Initialize Disk' button. Don't worry as this button will not allow you to select the system disk.
Daily Backups:
When Backupenabled, Time:
default: On
Include Session Records:
Includes the user sessions in the backup files. This will add the 'radacct' table to the backup files, which is not required unless you need them for some reason. Enabling this will make the backup files oversized and takes longer to complete.
default: Off
Upload Toto Google Drive:
Uploads the generated backup files to Google Drive. This feature requires the system administrator to link their Google Drive account to the SAS server by accessing the SAS Google Drive Settings from the top of the page.
default: Off
Auto Delete Old Backups:
Deletes backup files older than the selected period.
default: Never