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General Settings

123Here you can upload a logo for your SAS login page. The recommended image type is a transparent PNG file.

123Shows or hides your logo on the login page. Some ISPs prefer to hide it for commercial reasons

Default: Off

Base Currency

123Sets the base currency for the system. SAS supports a single currency for all transactions.

Default Language

123Sets the default language for the web interface.

Default: English


123Setting a correct timezone for your system is very important. Changing this option requires server reboot.

123This option is available only for the 'Unlimited' license. It allows you to set the text in the portal footer, overriding the default copyright text.

123Here you can change the logo in the main menu for the admin portal.

Block manager login for 1 minute after login fails

123Set the number of manager login errors after which the manager will be denied for logging in for 1 minute. This helps block brute force attacks for guessing a manager's password.

default: None


Site Status

123If set to 'Offline', the portal will not allow managers to log in, except for the 'admin' manager. It has nothing to do with the dial-up process.

default: Online

Enforce Manager Password Strength

123Enforce password strength for the managers. Settings this to 'High' will not allow managers to set weak passwords.

Default: Medium