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Profile Form

Profile Name

A name for your profile should be meaningful.


A switch to enable/disable the profile. When a profile is disabled, it won't show up for managers when creating new users, and users on this profile cannot connect.

Unit Price

The default price for the profile. When activating a user on this profile, this amount will be deducted from the manager. The price list page in the profiles menu can override the unit price. If the price is set to zero, then managers will not see the profile and won't be able to activate users on it.

Available in User Control Panel

If this switch is on, the user will be able to select this profile in the user control panel (UCP). Some profiles are not meant to be visible to users, so you can hide them here.

Download Rate

Sets the download speed for the profile per user. Supported on Mikrotik only. The entered number is in Kbit/s

Upload Rate

Sets the upload speed for the profile per user. Supported only on Mikrotik. The entered number is in Kbit/s


SAS supports several profiles type:

Prepaid: Users on prepaid profiles will stop working once they hit one of their limits, such as expiration or traffic limit. You can also switch them to a fair usage-policy profile (FUP).

Postpaid: Users on postpaid profiles usually will not get disconnected after their expiration or reaching their traffic limit, instead, the system will issue an invoice for them. If invoices are not paid within a period of time, then the user will stop working. You also have the option to keep them running despite their due invoices.

FUP: (Fair Usage Policy) is a special type of profile that can not be linked to a user. Instead, it is linked to another profile of type 'prepaid' or 'postpaid'. When the main profile reaches one of its limits, you can downgrade the user to stay online on another profile of type FUP.

Extension: This type of profile is used to extend the limits of a user without changing his actual profile. For example, you can create an extension to extend the user expiration for a couple of days or to add extra traffic, for a price. 

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Defines the amount of tax to be added to the profile's final price. This number is a percentage of te actual price.

Limit Expiration

When the switch is enabled, SAS will validate the user's expiration upon login. If the user's expiration date is later than the current time, authorization will be denied.

When the switch is disabled, no expiration validation will take place, allowing the user to connect regardless of the account's expiration status

Expiration Unit

Sets the amount of expiration in hours, days, or months. This amount will be given to the user on activation. Changing this value here will not be reflected on already active users.

Limit Uptime

Limits the service uptime by minutes or hours. When enabled, SAS will count the amount of time used by the user online. When reaching the time limit, the user will get disconnected.

Limit Download

Limits the amount of downloaded traffic (in MegaBytes). Once the limit is reached, the user will get disconnected.

Limit Upload

Limits the amount of upload traffic (in MegaBytes). Once the limit is reached, the user will get disconnected.

Limit Traffic

Limits the amount of total traffic used by the user. The total amount is counted as download+upload traffic. When using this limit switch, we recommend switching off the limit download & upload switches.

Daily Download Limit

Sets the amount in MB for the download limit by the user. This value can be applied at any time to all active users without the need to re-activate them. The daily counters reset at 00:00 midnight. 

Daily Upload Limit

Sets the amount in MB for the upload limit by the user. This value can be applied at any time to all active users without the need to re-activate them. The daily counters reset at 00:00 midnight. 

Daily Traffic Limit

Sets the amount in MB for the traffic limit by the user. The traffic limit is counted as download+upload traffic consumed by the user. This value can be applied at any time to all active users without the need to re-activate them. The daily counters reset at 00:00 midnight.  When the limit is reached, the user will get disconnected.

Daily Uptime

Sets the amount (in minutes/hours) for the uptime allowed for this service. When the limit is reached, the user will get disconnected.

IP Pool Mode

Sets the IP pool mode. 'Use NAS IP Pools' means SAS will just send the pool name to the NAS and the NAS will assign the IP to the user. 

When choosing 'Use SAS4 IP Pools', SAS will take care of assigning the IP addresses to end users from IP pools created inside SAS. This is useful to manage pools from a single point instead of adding pools inside each NAS.

Pool Name

The IP pool name to be used by this service profile. The provided name here should be predefined in the NAS, otherwise the users might not get an IP address and fail to connect.

Expired Next Profile

Sets the profile users to switch to after becoming expired. The dropdown shows only profiles of type FUP.  If no FUP profile is set here, then user authorization will be rejected on expiration.

Quota Next Profile

Sets the profile users to switch to after consuming their traffic limit. The dropdown shows only profiles of type FUP.

Daily Limit Next Profile

Sets the profile users to switch to after reaching their daily limits. For example, you can downgrade your users speed after consuming 10GB of traffic per day to a lower speed. This policy will reset after midnight and users will go back to their regular speed.

Ignore Static IP

When enabled, SAS will ignore any static IP set for the users. This is very useful for FUP profiles, so when users reach their limits and get switched to a FUP profile, they won't keep their static IP.


Here you can set the profile to be private or public. Public profiles are visible to all managers and users. If you set it to private, you will get to choose which manager(s) can see and use this profile.


Locks the profile to a specific site. Meaning this profile will be visible only for managers and users on the selected site.

Allowed Services

Here you can limit the connection protocol for this profile to PPP or Hotspot or both. For example, you can create a profile that works for hotspot clients only. 

Fix Expiration Time

When activating a user on a profile with an expiration limit, such as 1 month, by default SAS will add 1 month exactly starting from the activation time. Sometimes it is desired to set all users to expire at 12PM for example regardless of the actual activation time, while respecting the date part of the expiration.

Debit-able Service

This option allows the service to be activated by end-users when their balance does not cover the activation cost and adds the amount of given days/hours/bytes as a debt. The debt will be cleared on the next activation.  If the user already has debts, then the system will not allow another debt activation. This feature is useful to create extensions allowing prepaid subscribers to extend their expired account for a limited time, without paying anything, then clear their debt on the next activation. 

Freezone Traffic

Turn it off only if you don't want subscribers on this profile to benefit from the Freezone feature. The default is 'Allowed'

Max Price

Sets the max price for this profile. The amount set here will cap the max limit of prices set by managers on the Price List page.

Max End-User Price

Set the max price for subscribers which can be set by managers from their Price List page.

Expiration Grace Period

Sets the amount of time (in hours) to be allowed on expiration before terminating the connection. For example, if set to '3', then subscribers will have extra 3 hours before their connection gets terminated on expiration. Still, they should receive the expiration notice before that time via any communication channel.

Separate Hotspot Session

When enabled, allows subscribers to have two simultaneous sessions, one on hotspot and the other on PPP. This is useful when it comes to allowing your home subscribers to use their same account for hotspot access in some public areas (if the hotspot service was offered by the same ISP).

Ignore IP Pool on Hotspot

Used to ignore the provided IP pool name in the profile form when subscribers connect on this profile from a Hotspot. Useful when used with the above option 'Separate Hotspot Session'

Mikrotik Address List

Defines a Mikrotik address-list name the subscriber shall be added to once connected. The address-list has to be available in the NAS. Supported on Mikrotik only.

Mikrotik Queue Priority

Sets the priority for the subscriber in the bandwidth queue. In Mikrotik, the default queue priority is 8, you can change it here to give higher/lower priorities for specific subscribers.

Monthly Account

Subscribers on fixed contracts must activate this feature, which requires account renewal on a set day each month. Service disruption could occur if payments are not made promptly, but charges will still apply despite the potential interruption.

Carry Over Remaining Quota:

When this feature is activated, subscribers are allowed to retain any unused traffic or uptime from their previous cycle to their next subscription period. If disabled, the quota will get reset and new one will be given.

Resets Daily Traffic

On subscriber activation, the daily consumed traffic for the subscriber on that same day will be reset. This is useful for creating a paid extension profile which resets the daily traffic for subscribers so they retain their original speed.

Resets Expiration On Activation

When this feature is activated, a subscriber's expiration date is recalibrated based on the date of their most recent activation, disregarding any remaining days in their subscription. As an illustration, consider a subscriber whose account is set to expire on the 18th of May, but the administrator initiates activation on the 15th of May. If this feature is deactivated, the upcoming expiration would remain on the 18th of June. However, if this feature is turned on, the new expiration date shifts to the 15th of June, resulting in the loss of three days from the original subscription period.

Quota Addition Mode

This setting determines when the quota will be assigned to the subscriber. If set to 'Immediate', the quota is allocated instantly at the time of activation. Conversely, if the setting is configured to 'On Next Billing Cycle', the quota is added in the subsequent billing cycle rather than immediately. To illustrate, if a subscriber on a 1GB plan is activated twice, the first gigabyte will be allocated right away, while the additional gigabyte will be assigned in the following billing period.

Preserve Traffic Counters For Expired Users

By default, SAS resets traffic counters on activating expired users. For example, if a user had 10GB left from his previous cycle and went expired, on next activation it will reset the 10GB and allocates new quota for it. If this option is ON, then SAS will keep the traffic balance from previous cycle on activation.


In the users list, there is an option to cancel service for activate users. Canceling service will count the remaining days available for the user and calculate their value and refund the amount to the parent manager of the user. This switch turns this feature On/Off, so you can enable it only for specific profiles.

Awarded Reward Points

Set the number of points SAS will award to the manager or user on activating a user on this profile. Reward points work just like AirMiles. The manager or the user can use them later to activate services in exchange for their points.

Initial Expiration

The "Initial Expiration" is the number of days a new subscriber gets when they first join. It's like a start-up time that tells how long they can use the service before it needs to be activated or renewed again. If you set this number to 10, for example, the subscriber will have 10 days from the time they are created.


Initial Traffic Amount

This parameter sets the number of mega bytes the subscriber is given when being created for the first time.


Initial Uptime

This parameter represents a number in minutes or hours to be given to the subscribers when added to the system.