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Profile Form

Profile Name

A name for your profile should be meaningful.


A switch to enable/disable the profile. When a profile is disabled, it won't show up for managers when creating new users, and users on this profile cannot connect.

Unit Price

The default price for the profile. When activating a user on this profile, this amount will be deducted from the manager. The price list page in the profiles menu can override the unit price. If the price is set to zero, then managers will not see the profile and won't be able to activate users on it.

Available in User Control Panel

If this switch is on, the user will be able to select this profile in the user control panel (UCP). Some profiles are not meant to be visible to users, so you can hide them here.

Download Rate

Sets the download speed for the profile per user. Supported on Mikrotik only. The entered number is in Kbit/s

Upload Rate

Sets the upload speed for the profile per user. Supported only on Mikrotik. The entered number is in Kbit/s


SAS supports several profiles type:

Prepaid: Users on prepaid profiles will stop working once they hit one of their limits, such as expiration or traffic limit. You can also switch them to a fair usage-policy profile (FUP).

Postpaid: Users on postpaid profiles usually will not get disconnected after their expiration or reaching their traffic limit, instead, the system will issue an invoice for them. If invoices are not paid within a period of time, then the user will stop working. You also have the option to keep them running despite their due invoices.

FUP: (Fair Usage Policy) is a special type of profile that can not be linked to a user. Instead, it is linked to another profile of type 'prepaid' or 'postpaid'. When the main profile reaches one of its limits, you can downgrade the user to stay online on another profile of type FUP.

Extension: This type of profile is used to extend the limits of a user without changing his actual profile. For example, you can create an extension to extend the user expiration for a couple of days or to add extra traffic, for a price. 

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Defines the amount of tax to be added to the profile's final price. This number is a percentage of te actual price.

Limit Expiration

When the switch is enabled, SAS will validate the user's expiration upon login. If the user's expiration date is later than the current time, authorization will be denied.

When the switch is disabled, no expiration validation will take place, allowing the user to connect regardless of the account's expiration status

Expiration Unit

Sets the amount of expiration in hours, days, or months. This amount will be given to the user on activation. Changing this value here